
Google defines marriage in two different ways:
  1. The formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.
  2. A relationship between married people or the period for which it lasts."
I disagree with the first definition because i do not think marriage should be restricted between a male and female. Marriage should be an option for anyone and anyone they love.

Types of Marriage

There are different types of marriage. The four most common types are:
          1.Common Law: A relationship in which a couple has been living together for a certain amount                                .                                     of time.
          2.Same-Sex: A legal marriage between two people of the same sex. Not legal in all countries
          3.Arranged: A marriage arranged by someone other than the two entering the partnership.
          4.Traditional: A marriage between a man and women.


Same Sex Marriage in Canada

How Does Marriage Effect Me

There are many different ways marriage effects myself and many others. h

The first other way marriage effects myself is because I am in a long term relationship, as well as my older siblings are engaged. Marriage is all around us, because most of our parents are married, or were at a time. The second way is that my parents are still happily together which makes me want the same thing.

Most other people want someone to spend the rest of their life with someone. It does not matter who is it is with whether it is with a man or women. Another way we are all effected by marriage is how recently many countries and governments are tried to legalize same sex marriage.

I strongly believe that marriage is a right everyone should have if they choose.